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Ideas and Events
This section is being continually updated. Come here for all of the latest Activity Ideas
and Spirit Events that you can host in your school. The best of Canadian activity programs is hosted right here. You can search by topic from the menu below.


1 min read
Flush Away Fundraiser
Kindersley Composite School came up with a unique way to raise money for cancer and have fun in the community as well. As part their our...

1 min read
Chuck a Duck
The Chuck-a-Duck tournament is run like a chuck-a-puck contest at a hockey game. At a given time, students toss their rubber duckie in...

1 min read
Birthday in a Bag
Create a “birthday bag” for a child who doesn’t have the chance to celebrate. Each birthday bag can be outfitted with a cake, candles,...

1 min read
Quarantine Trivia
Raise money for a good cause in your community with this easy online option! Host an online trivia match using your favourite video...

1 min read
Eye-Catching Ads on the Walk to School
A good way to catch the attention of your students walking into the building is to put your posters on the outside walkways with sidewalk...

1 min read
Kiss a Pig
If you can, find a teacher that is willing to kiss a pig for donations. Or you can have 4 teachers volunteer and the teacher with the...

1 min read
Christmas Tree Lights Charity
Have students sell light bulbs ($1.00 each) and hang the light bulbs in the front of your school or in a prominent place (like a...

1 min read
Have a Cow! Holy Cow! Udderly Outrageous Fundraising!
World Vision Canada has a gift catalogue that allows you to purchase farm animals for families in underdeveloped countries. We found...

1 min read
Car Smash for Charity
Sell tickets in advance for a car smash for charity. You can also sell tickets on the day, but with promotion, you will sell more tickets...

1 min read
Kraft Dinner Dominoes
Collecting cans of food for the Food Bank can become a weak activity as people get tired of collecting the same old thing. Instead,...

3 min read
Dusk to Dawn Activity-a-thon
The idea of using a “thon” to raise funds is anything but new. What may be unique is the number of activities included in this “thon” and...

2 min read
Push-Ups for Food
Like many schools we run an Food Drive at Galt Collegiate for our local Cambridge Food Bank. At this time of year students are feeling...
1 min read
Community Awareness Night
Showcase the variety of services and recreational opportunities within your community by running a Community Awareness Night. This can be...

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Dessert Auction
One night every quarter or semester our school puts on a “talent show” presenting plays they’ve worked on, or musical acts etc. At...

1 min read
Shave for a Cure
This year our class held a fundraising project for the Leukemia Foundation. We asked about 12 male teachers with beards to shave their...

1 min read
Holy Trinity High School decorated boxes to look like school buses so they could be filled with non-perishable food items. We invited a...

1 min read
Stuck for a Buck
From: Dave Conlon Elmira District Secondary School #schoolfundraiser
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