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Ideas and Events
This section is being continually updated. Come here for all of the latest Activity Ideas
and Spirit Events that you can host in your school. The best of Canadian activity programs is hosted right here. You can search by topic from the menu below.


1 min read
Full Grade Scavenger Hunt
At Beaconsfield High School, the grade 11's participate in a full grade scavenger hunt! Students are given a list of things to do in both...

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Grad Tradition – Mural Recognition
Melissa Wright describes a unique opportunity for her grads to leave their mark at Kennebecasis Valley High. Watch...

2 min read
Kiss a Grad Goodbye
In May of each school year, Kennebecasis Valley High Renaissance sells “Kiss a Grad Goodbye’s” to students and staff. A “Kiss a Grad...

1 min read
Who’s that Teacher?
W. P. Wagner High from Edmonton conquered the virtual Halloween creatures by having their staff submit pictures of themselves dressed for...

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Drive-In Grad Awards
Our province has a cap on gatherings of 50 people or fewer. For our grad awards night, we teamed up with a local hotel to host the event...

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See Your Future
Put this mirror in a hallway beside your honour roll listing. The “Picture Yourself Here” will give students a subtle reminder of the...

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Oh the places your grads will go!
Visit the website called to find some very interesting and Seuss inspired ideas to make the grad special. “And will you...

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Grad Wall of History
How do you recognize past generations and history in your school? Elrose Comprehensive School, SK, has pictures of every grad class from...

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Grad Breakfast
Senior students organize a grad breakfast for the grads from last year on the Friday before Thanksgiving, as many grads come home for the...

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Grad Rock
Chinook High School in Lethbridge, Alberta has a large Grad Rock that is located outside of the school. Each year, the graduation class...

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Grad Care Package
Students gather together goodies, personal letters and notes from students at the school, copies of local and school papers, and other...

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Grad Walk
The picture says it all. What better way to have your elementary students think about the road ahead by having your graduating students...

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Prom Fashion Show
Have a fashion show about 3 weeks prior to Prom to build up the hype before tickets go on sale. Contact your local formal and dress shops...
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Semi-Formal Sell Off
A dance is fun because people attend, not because of the DJ or the dress or the food. KCI attempts generate some buzz for our semi-formal...

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Princess Project
The community collects prom dresses and redistributes them at no cost to young ladies who might otherwise not attend the prom, grad or...
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