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Ideas and Events
This section is being continually updated. Come here for all of the latest Activity Ideas
and Spirit Events that you can host in your school. The best of Canadian activity programs is hosted right here. You can search by topic from the menu below.


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Student Appreciation Week
For the last four-ish years, HMS has hosted a Student Appreciation Week to celebrate our students. It’s typically a spirit week that...

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Won't you be my neighbour Day – March 20th
“Won’t You Be My Neighbour Day” is celebrated every year on March 20. The day honours, celebrates, and appreciates the late Fred Rogers,...

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Coco Kindness
A great way to kick off Kindness Week is to give stuff away. Fleetwood Park Secondary in Surrey knows that everyone wants a hot...

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Be the “I” in KIND
The simple message on this poster reminds students of their role in spreading kindness. Hang your poster at student eye level in a highly...
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Random Acts of Softness
Usually when you think of a quilting club, you picture cute grandmas happily sewing away. One student, Braegan Zimmerman was inspired by...

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Kiss a Grad Goodbye
In May of each school year, Kennebecasis Valley High Renaissance sells “Kiss a Grad Goodbye’s” to students and staff. A “Kiss a Grad...

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We Dare You . . . to be kind
Instead of challenging people to do dangerous things, make it truly challenging to interact with others in a positive way and dare to be...

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Magical Wiggle Worm Wednesday – Why not?
On a Wednesday morning (or any other day) hand out magic wiggle worms to students. Lots of smiles behind the masks and lots of posts on...

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National Cookie Day
Everybody loves a cookie, so why not celebrate all of the different varieties? December 4th is the day to celebrate the goodness of this...

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Post-it Praise
Kermit knows that “it isn’t easy being green,” and your administration knows that it isn’t easy being the boss. Take the time to create a...

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Thank You Thursdays
Have a schedule that organizes a different school team or club to host a “Thank You Thursday” snack table in the main office or teacher’s...

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Cookie of the Day
Nothing is better than winning a chocolate chip cookie to start your day. At EDSS, all of the names of the students, staff and support...

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Positive Post It Notes
Connect with every person in the school by putting a coloured POST IT with a positive message on their locker, door, or in their mailbox....

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Healthy Thank You to Staff
Although it is well-intentioned, the healthy schools initiative is hard on those easy chocolate and candy thank you’s that you can put in...

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Just Write Treat
Fun new staff appreciation idea. Stack a bunch of Hershey kisses and make them into a pencil. Thx to Ms. Lowey’s leadership class for...

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Teacher Appreciation with Food and Drink
There is nothing wrong with a little sugar high to say, “Hi and thank you!” to staff. Use one of the following food puns to give your...

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Love File
One school had each member of their staff fill out something called the Love File. The file asked questions about a few of their favorite...
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Pay it Forward with Class
As a group, get your teacher’s approval to schedule a day to surprise the class next door with cookies and milk. Do this for no other...

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Grad Care Package
Students gather together goodies, personal letters and notes from students at the school, copies of local and school papers, and other...

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Bus Driver Honey Buns
Your bus drivers are support staff who are often only appreciated on snow days. Recognize the job they do at the beginning of the year,...
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