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Ideas and Events
This section is being continually updated. Come here for all of the latest Activity Ideas
and Spirit Events that you can host in your school. The best of Canadian activity programs is hosted right here. You can search by topic from the menu below.


2 min read
Staff Fam Jam Night
The main building block of school culture is relationships. And one of those relation- ships that is important is the relationship...

1 min read
Treats for the Teacher
There is nothing wrong with a little sugar to sweeten your "thank you" to staff. Use one of the following treats to give your staff a...

1 min read
Thank the Boss at Home
Staff members who contribute a lot to activities and coaching at your school must also spend a lot of time away from home. Send a short...

1 min read
Staffulty Awards
Each month when the staff meeting agenda is sent out, Clayton Heights Secondary also sends out a Microsoft form called the Staffulty...

1 min read
Custodian Appreciation
Student leaders create a lot of activities which put stress on a building and its caretakers. Take the time to thank the custodians by...

1 min read
Tireless Teacher of the Month
There are staff members who should be recognized for their tireless efforts at your school – so recognize them with a tire award painted...

1 min read
Teacher Appreciation with Food and Drink
There is nothing wrong with a little sugar high to say, “Hi and thank you!” to staff. Use one of the following food puns to give your...

1 min read
Bus Driver Honey Buns
Your bus drivers are support staff who are often only appreciated on snow days. Recognize the job they do at the beginning of the year,...

2 min read
Fam Jam Night
The main building block of school culture is relationships. And one of those relationships that is important is the relationship between...

1 min read
Coffee IQ
Giving a Tims or Starbucks card as a Thank You to secretaries or school staff is a good idea. It is also a good idea to purchase coffees...

1 min read
Thank the People at Home
Staff members who contribute a lot to activities and coaching at your school must also spend a lot of time away from home. Send a short...

1 min read
Souper Teachers
We gave our teachers a Lipton Cup o’ Soup in their mailboxes with a note that said we had “Souper Teachers!” It was a neat thank you that...
1 min read
Staff Appreciation: This party’s for you!
For our staff appreciation activity we decided to take the party to the staff. Several students put together small loot bags with treats...
1 min read
Teacher of the Month
We have nomination forms in student activities, and we promote this at least once a week on the morning announcements to remind students....
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