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Ideas and Events
This section is being continually updated. Come here for all of the latest Activity Ideas
and Spirit Events that you can host in your school. The best of Canadian activity programs is hosted right here. You can search by topic from the menu below.


1 min read
Where’s the Spirit Stick?
To successfully captivate our school, district, and our community during an abnormal homecoming week, Sauk Rapids-Rice High School’s...

1 min read
Future Mustangs Virtual Visits
One way to introduce your incoming grade 9 class is to invite them to tour the school and meet with student leaders. This is a great...

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Trickshot Competition
Students are invited to film their best trickshot on video and submit it to a bracket challenge for the school. The staff and students at...

1 min read
Pretend VACAY Day
Whatever your lockdown situation, you know that you probably are not heading to the beach, balmy climes or cruise ship any time soon. A...

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Dad Jokes Challenge
Two teams of four match up to make the other person crack a smile at the best bad dad jokes. Each member gets to face off against one...
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Razzle Dazzle Hype Video
KCI in Kitchener has their students and staff film a 20–30 second video clip and then all of the clips are put together with the app Quik...

3 min read
Selfie Scavenger Hunt
This is our version of an old-school Easter Egg Hunt, but you can make it fit any holiday or random theme. We post spring-ish items...

1 min read
Virtual Christmas Carnival
E. P. Scarlett High School in Calgary did not let the virtual learning get in the way of some festive fun:

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Rock Paper Scissors ONLINE
Rock, Paper, Scissors is a game that can be taken virtually, and Ethan Gasee from Tanenbaum CHAT in Toronto had his whole school throwing...

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The Zoomies
Scott Thompson from Bow Valley High had some fun and frustration with the virtual world of education and handed out some awards for...
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Virtual Brain Break Games
Read my Lips This is actually an ideal game for a virtual brain-break. The idea is just like it sounds. One person mouths a phrase and...

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True Colours: Presented by Relay for Life Youth
True Colours: Presented by Relay for Life Youth Join CSLA and students across Canada to participate in a True Colours workshop presented...

1 min read
Mathletes – One! Two! Three! COMPUTE!
St. Patrick’s math department from Quebec City ran their edition of Math Week. This year’s format of competition was online. Participants...

2 min read
Kiss a Grad Goodbye
In May of each school year, Kennebecasis Valley High Renaissance sells “Kiss a Grad Goodbye’s” to students and staff. A “Kiss a Grad...

1 min read
We Dare You . . . to be kind
Instead of challenging people to do dangerous things, make it truly challenging to interact with others in a positive way and dare to be...

1 min read
Who’s that Teacher?
W. P. Wagner High from Edmonton conquered the virtual Halloween creatures by having their staff submit pictures of themselves dressed for...

5 min read
Clash of Colours
While the colours of purple, orange, green and yellow are not the school colours at St. Peter’s Catholic Secondary School in Barrie,...

1 min read
Drive-In Grad Awards
Our province has a cap on gatherings of 50 people or fewer. For our grad awards night, we teamed up with a local hotel to host the event...

1 min read
Most Fortunate Cookies
The students at Tanenbaum CHAT in Toronto decided to create fortunate futures for their staff and students. They ordered up some fortune...
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