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Ideas and Events
This section is being continually updated. Come here for all of the latest Activity Ideas
and Spirit Events that you can host in your school. The best of Canadian activity programs is hosted right here. You can search by topic from the menu below.


1 min read
The Masked Singer
Using the ideas and format from the TV show, The Masked Singer, Tanenbaum CHAT school had a video made of staff members singing with...

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Online Polling
Use online polling platforms for instant and interactive answers to questions. Platforms such as allow you to use this...

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National Day of . . . time to celebrate!
You’ve always wondered when it’s national Talk like a Pirate Day or that World Kindness Day is November 13th, and that Bubble Wrap...

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A Walk-In Movie (outdoors)
The Leadership class at Olds High in Alberta hosted a Walk-in Movie with Fresh Air Cinemas from Red Deer. This was to replace our...

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“Never Have I Ever” to lighten online learning
If you create the list of topics, you can keep this raucous party game in a PG format. Here’s how this activity goes: Create a list of PG...

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Behind the Mask
Crescent Heights High in Calgary decided to uncover the people behind the mask at their school. They took pictures of their staff and...

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Virtual Spirit Week
Hosting a virtual spirit week can be a great way to positively impact your school culture and community. It offers an avenue for everyone...

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Virtual School Tour
Many of your new students may not have been able to get their pre-school tour of your building. It is still not too late to give them the...

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Playlist Bracket Challenge
Have each student in each homeroom or first period class submit a song that they feel should be “the song” from their class for the...
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Humans of Your School
Create a photoblog based on the concept of Humans of New York for your school. Ask students and staff to submit pictures of themselves at...

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Here is a new #challenge. Take a picture of an area in your community that needs cleaning up or maintenance, then take a photo after you...

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Wiki Races
This activity demonstrates who can navigate the Wikipedia rabbit hole the fastest. Set up two video screens in the cafeteria attached to...

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Mask Drive
Student leaders can host a mask drive for community members to drop off any clean masks either made or purchased. Donate these to a local...

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Host a Minecraft Server
Admit it. Your students play video games online. Reach out to a student who is passionate about Minecraft to help create and moderate the...

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Just say “Hello”
Use a different “hello” or “hi” from the cultures represented in your school in your official memos or social media each month. In your...

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Picasso in 5
This is a simple and fun art challenge for a small virtual group based on the fact that most people will tell you that “I can’t draw.”...

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Stupid Human Tricks Carnival
Having a Coffee House implies that you are looking for performers with musical or artistic talent. In this world there are unique talents...

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Oh the places your grads will go!
Visit the website called to find some very interesting and Seuss inspired ideas to make the grad special. “And will you...

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Quaranteens and Their Fashions
Your Social Isolation Look is something unique and special, so celebrate you virtual experience with a Fashion Show. Invite your students...

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Letters to Seniors
One way to use writing skills in the real world is to have your students write letters or cards to seniors in nursing homes. Seniors are...
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