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Free Car Wash


A car wash is a great way to make money, but how can you run a free car wash?

Have your group go around and ask people to give pledges for each car washed during your “free car wash.” While getting pledges, give out free car wash coupons to your pledgers. You may also want to give coupons to those people decide to not pledge as they may change their minds later. If they come to your car wash, they will more than likely donate to your group anyway.

In wash-a-thon car washes you will ask people for five cents to ten cents per car washed. The car wash teams will normally work for just an hour, but let your pledgers know how long they will be working and establish a maximum pledge. It is important to make your participants understand that a full pledge sheet means that the car wash is a fundraiser for your group and not just a chance to get wet in the sun!

Find a visible high-traffic location to hold your free car wash. Make sure that you have good signage, enough sponges and hoses, and lots of help scheduled for the day. You should also have refreshments to sell, or give out free coupons from local businesses. It is important to have a donation box for people who are getting a car wash and would like to make a donation to your fundraising.


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