This is an awesome rally-style event for every single person in your school. The school is broken up into four groups they are, red, blue, yellow and green Every home room is given one of theses colors. Captains select people to participate on their teams from ALL grades and submit them and anyone else that would like to participate submits their applications in the office, then will be placed accordingly. Each team must wear their colors along with the homeroom.
The rest of the students that are not participating sit in the bleachers (wearing their homeroom color), bleachers also divided into four sections for each color (all reds sit together, blues sit together and so on. The selected teams take part in a rally type competition, Each team decorates their corner of the gym and has their own entrance music, covering the doors with paper, team running in from outside.
Rally events may include: Human tic-tac-toe, elephant run, pie eating contest, pop chugging contest, hockey stick between the legs and so on… Points are awarded to 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th place; make the points seem like a lot. Spectators can also help out their teams score by being quite when they need to and being LOUD when they have to.
It is good to throw candies and prizes into the bleachers to pump up the crowd also it is good to have loud music playing during certain events (earplugs for the teachers is recommended!!) make sure the music your are playing fits the event that is going on. You have dj’s that put on the event telling people what the events are all about and getting the crowd pumped. At our last riot we had a radio announcer come in and DJ for us it is good to get a group of energetic students and a teacher to DJ the event
This is a hit at our school, we find that if it is held first thing in the morning people have tons of energy usually takes till lunch. Have fun with this. We have had workshops for this event at the last British Columbia Student Leadership Conference the nationals in Toronto and we hope to get into the next national leadership conference in Winnipeg with this workshop.
From: Tyler Deppe Westside Secondary, Kamloops, BC