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Honour Roll Breakfast


The student council at EDSS hosts an annual breakfast reception for all honour roll students. This event is held just after the first report card of first semester. It is an attempt to congratulate our academic students. A small gift is given to each member of the Honour Roll and a guest speaker entertains them.


The present student leaders wanted to upgrade the breakfast from its present budget of about $1.00 per student to about $3.00 per student. This meant a full breakfast and a “good” speaker. (previous speakers were of the “free” variety)

Problem:   where to get the money.

Solution:   ask the banks in town, because that’s where the money is!

1.  Break the target donation of $1,000 into bits. There are 4 banks in town, so the request is a manageable $250 each.

2.  Already have a catchy name: The Bankers’ Breakfast

3.  Meet with the managers and present the fundraising letter. They were informed that 352 students would be attending and that these were the future “customers” of their bank.

4.  Inform the local media (two papers) with a media release.

After the initial meetings, three banks indicated an interest and one bank politely declined. (They have budgets for this type of event, and we did approach them on a short timeline) After reapproaching the manager at the TD Canada Trust (who had two active daughters in the school), the three banks came on line and the fourth bank was informed that they were the only one not participating. They decided to join in the fun.

Invitations sent to the 352 students with the bank support listed on the invite. Managers were invited to the breakfast along with the local media.

Thank-you notes were sent to the banks after the event with a copy of the picture taken by the local media.


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