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Rose of Recognition


Our staff receive this note 3 weeks prior to Valentine’s Day:

On Wednesday, February 14, the Student Council will be distributing roses to students who have had them purchased by their friends and admirers here at EDSS.  The students will receive a note in home form that morning indicating that there is a rose waiting for them in the Activity office.

There are a lot of good feelings generated on this day and we would like to add to this special day by asking you to suggest students that you feel deserve a “rose of recognition” for their efforts. The students that we see as being candidates are those who do not normally receive any recognition through their academic, athletic, or extra-curricular pursuits here at EDSS. These are the special students who quietly and pleasantly contribute to your teaching day by their cheerful presence, good humour and perhaps the fact that they compliment you on your new haircut.

Please nominate one or two students that you feel suit the above category, and the Student Council will attempt to give as many nominees as possible a yellow rose of recognition on that day.

Students are so happy to receive these small tokens of recognition for being good citizens of the school. [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]


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