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Staff Gala


In December, on the Thursday and Friday the week before Christmas break, KVHS had a Staff Gala. Three weeks before the event, staff received invitations in their mailboxes inviting them to the gala and they were encouraged to come dressed in their finest on this day.  But – it was to be a surprise for the students, so we had to keep a secret until the day of.  Over the 2 days (done over 2 days so both halves of the alphabet were able to see the staff dressed up), the staff came dressed in their finest.  From gowns, to sequins, top hats and heels, the halls of KVHS were fancy!  The students were surprised!  Some were shocked, saying things like, “Why are my teachers so sparkly?”,  “They are so dressed up it is weirding me out, oh no, here comes another one!”

This activity injected a positive energy into our building in the days before the break.  It really helped carry the last week.  Prizes were also given out for most elegant, Flashiest and Mother/Father Christmas.

Melissa Wright     Kennebecasis Valley High School, NB


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