Hosting a virtual spirit week can be a great way to positively impact your school culture and community. It offers an avenue for everyone to be involved, and takes an “events for everyone” approach.
Here are some suggestions on types of “spirit days” to include in your school’s virtual spirit week:
Wear your mask
Wear your school colours
Wear a hat
Funny socks day
Ugly sweater day
Retro day (pick a decade or multiple!)
Twin day
Crazy hair day
Formal day (get dressed up as if you were going to a formal dance)
Anti-Stress Day/Wellness Day
Motivate day (have students share motivational messages with one another)
Ta-Dah Tuesday (be creative and let your inner artist or chef or maker shine)
Sports day (Jersey’s, Dress like an athlete)
Dress like a teacher day
Dress to Impress Day
Music Day
Meme Day (dress up or share favourite & appropriate memes!)
Get Active/Workout/Walk Day (enhance it by sharing tips, workout videos, challenges, etc.)
PJ Day
Tropical/Beach Day
Furry Friends Day (pose with a favourite stuffed animal or a pet)
Balance Something on Your Head Day (during your Zoom meeting – points given for skill and unique entries)