Finding the Wonder
in Leadership!
Join the Canadian Student Leadership Association for WonderLEAD at Canada's Wonderland on May 20th & 21st. A full and energizing day of leadership skill building, motivating speakers, peer networking and exploring new passions, WonderLEAD is sure to inspire student leaders across Ontario!​

WonderLEAD Curriculum
The WonderLEAD program will help students grow their leadership skills while aligning with various expectations of the
Ontario Secondary School Curriculum:

Community Awareness
WonderLEAD will explore how leaders impact their local and global communities. From the opening keynote speaker to the CSLA Micro-Certification Workshop, students will learn about and identify social issues, community needs, and how to use leadership skills to make positive changes in their environments. This starts pre-program with the classroom workbook where students will identify the positive changes they seek in their schools and communities.
Curriculum Connections:
Health and Physical Education
Interdisciplinary Studies

Collaboration and Teamwork
WonderLEAD will emphasize the importance of teamwork, where students must work together, delegate tasks, and achieve common goals in both school and community settings. These skills are crucial for students to develop as leaders. Students will work in a team setting through workshops and activities, and leave feeling confident to take charge. While at the park, students will form one big team to cheer on one another in their WonderLEAD Awards pitch!
Curriculum Connections:
Health and Physical Education
Social Studies

Personal Development
Students will have opportunities to reflect on their strengths, set personal goals, and build confidence. By exploring ways to enhance their self-awareness through peer discussions, collaborative activities and reflections, students will add new skills to their leadership toolbox. These personal development activities will take place at the park and in the post-program reflection worksheets provided to classroom teachers.
Curriculum Connections:
Civics ​
Interdisciplinary Studies
Health and Physical Education